Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Isn't February 29th the best day to create my first blog?  I think so.  I'm not sure where to begin, but here goes....

This morning, I'm watching the sun trying to break through a thick band of black clouds to the east.  The clouds are remnants of a storm that earlier dumped rain and temporarily darkened my house and silenced my phone.  I've seen blue peaks of sky to the west.  Hopefully, the gray east will meet the blue west soon with a burst of yellow sunshine.
The bible says God removes our sins, when we ask Him, as far as the east is from the west.  I think it's ironic that I now sit under a sky that shows the difference so dramatically.  I remember from times past the feeling of forgiveness washing over me, as weightless as light and profound as birth.  I also remember the heavy darkness of feeling wrong and unworthy;  sinful.  Often a rain of tears separates the two experiences as I try to convince God (and my hard-hearted self) that I deserve forgiveness.  Hasn't every Christian been there and lived that?
So, here I am this leap day, a person praying to be forgiven, waiting for the east to meet the west, from one end to the farthest other.  Here I sit, hoping to see the sun, like The Son, standing the gap for me!  Nature often provides perfect metaphors, if we have eyes to see.
You may wonder what I've done so wrong to need such big forgiveness.  I think my sin has been omission rather than commission, this time.  You see, like my dad, I could easily procrastinate my life away.  I have excuses for my excuses!  Doing today what could wait until tomorrow seems foolish to my flesh.  Yet, at the age of 52, that way of thinking isn't working as well for me as it once did.  Time feels short.  I have things to accomplish.  I have talents God gave me that I've buried instead of investing. 
I've lost peers, who have recently made the trip to "the other side".  It's as though they are staring me down, telling me "Don't waste it!"  They're right.  I hear you, Wayne and Candy and Greg and Dean and Pearl.  I am trying hard to put my life into action, peace-filled action.  I'm asking forgiveness so I can move on from where I've been stuck to where I want to go.
Today, I begin by starting this blog.  I know I won't be consistent with it, I'm not made that way.  But I hope to be progressive, getting better at being consistent eventually.  Every journey begins with one step, right?  This is my first step on a new journey.  I have no clue where the path will take me.
If you feel inclined, begin a journey of your own.  Talk to Our Father about it.  Get forgiven if that will clear the way.  Do whatever it takes to do what you were put here to do.  There are people still here in this world and "over there" who want you to recognize your gifts and invest them while you can.  Do you feel their stare, too?  Do you feel their hope for you?  If you do, take one step.  Make them smile, both here and there!

When it shines, I hope the sun warms your heart and your face.  When you need it, I hope the Son stands your gap and brings your east to God's west.  May all of us who take a leap into some kind of action today know the peace that surpasses understanding.   Happy Leap Day!