Friday, March 9, 2012

Two Smiles

It is too pretty outside today to sit inside writing a blog.  The past week has been seriously full of seriousness.  Way too full?  Way, dude.  I resign, at least for the day, from the true trauma, dense drama and March mayhem to bring you two little bright spots, quickly, before the sun fades or temperature drops.

My favorite kid's joke:

Q:  Why did the elephant paint his toenails different colors?
A:  To hide in a package of M&M's.
Q:  Did you ever see an elephant hide in a package of M&M's?
A:  No.
Q:  They hide pretty good, don't they?

My favorite Chrisitan joke:

A rich Christian man was told by his doctor he would soon die.  The man had worked very hard all his life for his material possessions and wanted to take something of them with him.  He prayed and asked God if he could bring one duffel bag full of gold bars to heaven with him.  God spoke to the man's heart saying that wasn't necesary or even a good idea, but the man continued to beg and plead.  He would leave everything else to any charity or whichever church God chose; he would never ask for anything again; he had earned every shiny piece through honest labor and difficult tasks.  He went on and on, day after day, making his request of the Father.  God decided maybe it would be best to give the man his way and, like all parents do occasionally, He gave in.  God told the man he could bring his bag full of gold to heaven with him when he died.

The man packed up his gold and soon after died peacefully in his sleep.  He carried his treasure to the pearly gates of heaven and St. Peter met him there.  "You can't bring that in with you."  said St. Peter.  The man explained he had special permission from the Father Himself and finally convinced St. Peter to let him in with the bag.  Upon entering, St. Peter said, "If you don't mind, could I please see what's in your bag that was so precious you had to bring it to heaven with you from earth?"  The man, with a smile and a nod, said, "Sure!"

St.Peter then unzipped the bag, frowned, looked the man in the eye and asked, "You brought pavement?"

That's it, folks.  I'm heading outside for a walk with my little dog.  I hope you're blessed today and know it.  Have an extra special ordinary day...I plan to! 

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